June 8, 2009

Great Product Copy - Part 1

Ever pick up a product you've never heard of, read the label, and know immediately that you HAVE to buy it? Usually it's the packaging and design that seal the deal. It just looks too good not to have.

But occasionaly the text alone is so compelling, you're actually happy to part with your last dollar to try it. You don't know the brand, it's really expensive, and frankly, you don't even like granola. But you buy it anyways.

This is the first in a series of posts about these types of goods and services. 

Our first case study is dorset cereals. Here's what I found on the side of their berries and cherries cereal box:

We believe that life really is too short to settle for second best and that simple, honest pleasures are often the most rewarding.

We take delicious things and add some more delicious things, then we blend them together. We try lots of combinations. The ones everyone here likes, we make. 

It's very English to say that life's not a bowl of cherries - however, we'd have to disagree. Living in Dorset has inspired us to add loads of tangy, juicy berries to our bowl, creating this delicious recipe. 

Simple, but then the best things in life usually are. 

I actually read the label twice only because I enjoyed reading it so much. The second paragraph is one of the greatest snippets of copy I've seen on a food product. It's simple, down-to-earth, and it appeals to our intuitive sense of logic:

1) Everyone likes delicious things.
2) The more delicious things the better.
3) Not all delicious things go well together. 
4) We've tried all the options.
5) These delicious things do go well together. 

Have a good example of great product copy that you've seen recently? Please share it with us!

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