The Ministry of Absorption is holding a large job fair in Tel Aviv at the beginning of September 2009.
This job fair is aimed at new immigrants (olim hadashim) and returning Israelis (toshavim chozerim) but any job seeker can attend.
According to the official announcement, there will be hundreds of positions available in these fields and more:
- Programming
- Lab work in the field of life sciences
- Language teachers
- Customer Service and Sales
- Mechanical Work
- CNC, Factory and Technicians
- Chefs and Food Service
- Industry and Management, Electronics, Mechanical, Civil, Structural, and Electrical Engineers
- Construction and Building
- Warehouse
- Administration
- Hotel and Guest services
Tel Aviv Fairgrounds (Ganei Hata’arucha), Bitan 20
Tel Aviv
Train: get off at Tel Aviv - University
Bus: Egged: 521 or Dan: 47, 48, 28
There might even be free transportation from cities in the Center of the country, call these people for more information:
- Tel Aviv: Miriam 03-5209171
- Petach Tikvah: Zimrah 03-9123006
- Rishon LeTzion: Esther 03-6337666
- Kfar Saba and Netanya: Avi 09-8890307
- Ashdod: Aliza 08-8546004
- Holon: Osnat 03-5023107
Entry is free.
Tuesday, September 8th, 2009, 12-5pm.
Bring your Teudat Zehut (ID card) and copies of your resume.
Originally posted on